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(828) 452-2211

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(828) 452-2211

What To Expect During a Sports Physical for Children

Experience the top-notch benefits of visiting Haywood Pediatrics for your child's sports physical in Haywood County, NC. Our expert team of pediatricians ensures an active and engaging visit. Receive comprehensive medical assessments, including thorough examinations, to ensure your child's optimal athletic performance.

Our state-of-the-art facility offers cutting-edge equipment, guaranteeing accurate results. Get personalized recommendations for injury prevention, nutrition, and conditioning to enhance your athletic prowess. Our friendly staff creates a supportive environment, addressing your concerns promptly and professionally. You can trust Haywood Pediatrics for efficient scheduling, minimal waiting times, and hassle-free paperwork.

What To Expect During a Sports Physical for Children

During a sports physical for your child, you can expect a comprehensive evaluation to ensure their well-being on the field! First, our healthcare provider will review the child's medical history, including allergies, previous injuries, and any existing medical conditions. One of our pediatricians will assess vital signs like heart rate, blood pressure and check for any irregularities.

The provider will also conduct a thorough physical examination, examining the child's muscles, joints, and flexibility. For instance, they might ask the child to touch their toes or perform simple exercises to gauge strength and range of motion.

The examination may include vision and hearing tests, as well as an assessment of posture and balance. Lastly, the healthcare provider will discuss necessary modifications or precautions; and provide advice on nutrition, hydration, and injury prevention. The sports physical in Haywood County, NC, aims to ensure your child's safety and optimal performance on the playing field.

Schedule Your Office Visit

Schedule an office visit for sports physical to prime your child for athletic success. These appointments are crucial before joining a team or participating in vigorous physical activity. They help evaluate your overall health, detect any underlying conditions, and ensure you're fit for the game.

Book an appointment annually, preferably four to six weeks before the sports season begins, to allow time for additional tests if necessary. During the visit, a healthcare professional will assess your vital signs, medical history and perform a physical examination to ensure your body can handle the demands of sports. You can help your child stay ahead of the game by scheduling their sports physical in Haywood County, NC.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. We offer same-day appointments for your child's sports physical in Haywood County, NC, at Haywood Pediatrics. Call (828) 452-2211 today to schedule your visit with one of our board-certified pediatricians.

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